The Dufour 405 with its 12.17 meters, is a boat extremely suitable for weekly cruises: its excellent marine qualities, exceptional sailing performance and excellent livability of spaces. he Dufour 405 GL is a spacious, beautiful, modern, equipped and innovative boat. Considering also her appreciable speed, this Dufour 405 can easily be considered a fascinating boat! Much like Dufour’s “longship” predecessors, the Grand Large model stands as a reference model for cruising yachts. Few rivals, lots of fun! The Dufour 405 GL is no less than all the other boats of the Dufour Yacht house: it maintains its high quality standards and performance both in navigation and in the refinement of the interior finishes. Below deck we have cabins characterized by a practical and very functional design: large spaces and excellent quality materials, complemented by excellent lighting. The entire Dufour 405 GL yacht is equipped with services and tools of the highest quality.
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Mierne: Pri zrušení rezervácie do 31 dní pred nástupom na pobyt je možné vrátiť 100% sumy poplatku za jachtu a 50% pri zrušení rezervácie do 8 dní pred nástupom na pobyt. viac
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