We will continue to take all necessary measures (with Certification) of disinfection and hygiene-related to Covid -19 and Biological treatment. Welcome to our luxurious yacht Sunseeker Camargue 47 which is available for daily and weekly charters with skipper. The yacht can host 12 guests for daily cruises and 6 guests for overnight stays. The boat has been refitted in 2019 and it offers a comfortable interior and a spacious exterior with cushion areas both in the bow and aft sundeck. Every year we take the yacht to keep it in high quality for luxury and safety vacation as our goal is to offer you premium cruises. There are 2 cabins available for guests,( fully airconditioned) and 2 Toilets with electric toilets. Onboard you will also find, Radio, MP3, USB, Bluetooth, and a TV LG led HD. The kitchen is fully equipped and it also has an icemaker .
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Mierne: Pri zrušení rezervácie do 31 dní pred nástupom na pobyt je možné vrátiť 100% sumy poplatku za jachtu a 50% pri zrušení rezervácie do 8 dní pred nástupom na pobyt. viac
Spoločnosť BednBlue žiada všetkých, aby si pred cestou alebo prenájmom potvrdili niekoľko vecí.
BednBlue žiada všetkých, aby si pred kontaktovaním ostatných členov potvrdili niekoľko vecí.
Budete to musieť urobiť len raz.
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