The cost of the skipper must be paid directly to the skipper at the base. Skipper is obligatory per week 1,750.00 €. The Lagoon 51 has a fly-bridge that was optimized to cover 80% of its roof. Equipped with modular seating so you can accommodate as many guests as you would like, this allows you to welcome them to the helm and relax alongside the captain. A unique experience for your guests to enjoy. Two staircases lead to the fly-bridge aboard the 51 catamaran, one for the helmsman and one for the guests. This double access allows for a great flow between living spaces on board, a common theme throughout the entirety of the yacht. Full headroom in the fly-bridge allows for this space to be safely appreciated at both anchor and underway. Maneuvers are at hand from the steering station, while the guests can walk around without disturbing the helmsman. Discover a truly convivial and sociable space.
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Super prísne: Pri zrušení rezervácie do 60 dní pred nástupom na pobyt je možné vrátiť 50% sumy poplatku za jachtu. viac
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