Our 21′ cabin sailboat is available for half day only (we have no head) weekday (Mon-Wed), and Sunday charters with Captain Nina who has been sailing for over 50 years. Most economical sailboat charters in New England. Captained charters only. Max. guests: 4. Price quoted is for 1/2 day charter only (4 hours).
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Flexibilné: Pri zrušení rezervácie do 7 dní pred nástupom na pobyt sa vracia 100% sumy poplatku za jachtu a 50% pri zrušení rezervácie do 1 dňa pred nástupom na pobyt. viac
Nina has been sailing for over 50 years. She began racing in high school, captained her college sailing team which placed 2nd in the Middle Atlantic Intercollegiate Sailing Assn. standings, was 2 time Phantom class National Champion, placed 3rd in the Senior Olympics (Sailing for over 35 years-old) in Toronto, Ontario. She was Development director for the Courageous Challenge for the America’s Cup, US Director of the Jubilee Sailing Trust (UK) for disabled/able-bodied experience, President of the Council for Disabled Sailors and worked in sailboat sales for many years. Now retired from racing she enjoys welcoming crew members to the peaceful, although sometimes exciting, world of sailing.
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BednBlue žiada všetkých, aby si pred kontaktovaním ostatných členov potvrdili niekoľko vecí.
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