************************************** VAT 24% & APA (Fuel, provisions, etc.) are not included in the price and they are paid directly in the marina! ************************************** CAPACITY FOR DAILY CHARTERS: 11 GUESTS. Check-in: 10am Check-out: 6pm. For Half Day cruises: Check-in: 10:00am Check-out: 15:00pm. or Check-in: 15:00pm Check-out: 20:00pm. Romantic Sunset: Check-in: 7pm Check-out: 9pm. - CRUISES AVAILABLE: 1) North East Bays Tour | 8 hours cost: 1.050€. 2) North East Bays Half Tour | 5 hours cost: 700€. 3) Romantic Sunset | 2 hours 400€. Included in the Total price : - VAT ( 24%). - Skipper. - Refreshments, Water, Snacks. - Wine and fruits (in 8 hours cruise). - Snorkelling Equipment. Pontoon Boating in Corfu is an unforgettable experience! Nothing compares to the joy and excitement you feel when the pontoon boat is sliding through the water and breeze is caressing your skin. Corfu is a stunning island with hundreds of beautiful beaches and countless small islands that surround its crystal waters. The Pontoon luxury platform boat is the perfect vessel for the discerning traveler. So if your idea of spending a day on the sea includes partying, watersports, snorkeling, chilling and tanning under the sun, while admiring the amazing Ionian scenery, the Pontoon boat will meet your highest expectations! Immerse yourself in a boating experience to remember. A selection of Aqua toys are also available upon request alongside the cruise : Prices Per Piece: • 6 Seabobs F5's | 250€. • 1 iAqua Seadart Max+ | 250€. • 1 iAqua Seadart pro Carbon | 250€. • 3 Altivs Sea Scooter | 150€. • 2 Sublue Navbow+ | 80€. • 1 Aquaglide Fiesta Lounge | 75€. • 10 Stand up Paddleboard ( SUPs) | 30€. Book now and let the fun begin..!
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Mierne: Pri zrušení rezervácie do 31 dní pred nástupom na pobyt je možné vrátiť 100% sumy poplatku za jachtu a 50% pri zrušení rezervácie do 8 dní pred nástupom na pobyt. viac
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