Every now and then a new boat comes along that really stands out from the crowd. The Axopar 28 T Top is one of those boats. Designed in Finland it is mainly used in Europe as a tender to large super yachts, yet here it will make a perfect day boat and has the versatility to be a genuine multi-purpose vessel, with a toilet and accommodation should you need it. Wonderful and powerful are just some of the words that could be used while describing Axopar 28. This motorboat is an ideal fit for fast and comfortable rides. Its innovative and brilliant design was recognised by experts and that is why it has been awarded many times for the ship of the year. Axopar was built in 2018 and is fully equipped with all the necessities. It consists of 1 cabin, 2 berths and can accommodate up to 8 people. This modern motorboat is located in Šibenik, a dreamy starting point for your journey. In the archipelago of Šibenik, there are many islands, bays, and beaches. You will have a unique opportunity to explore the prosperous sights of this part of Croatia. Not that far away in the canal across Šibenik, you will be able to admire magnificent St. Nicholas Fortress, proudly included in UNESCO's list. Depending on the level of your skills and the possession of a valid license you can decide to take the boat yourself or you can let one of our professional skippers take you on a holiday of your dreams. If you want to rent a boat as a bareboat, you should have a valid license!
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Mierne: Pri zrušení rezervácie do 31 dní pred nástupom na pobyt je možné vrátiť 100% sumy poplatku za jachtu a 50% pri zrušení rezervácie do 8 dní pred nástupom na pobyt. viac
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