The Dufour 425 Grand Large is a very safe cruise, with outstanding skills, exigent weather and all amenities onboard. It is specially equipped to make your holiday satisfactory, the ideal for navigating the Balearic archipelago, with breezes and with stronger winds. It is very stable during sailing, due to its large submerged keel not allowing excess scores. Options: With Skipper 150 €/Day (obligatory) Including comfort package Day charter included skipper Prices include: Insurance of the boat and passengers. All the equipment of comfort and leisure of the boat Boarding and disembarkation in S. Antonio whenever there is availability Prices do not include: Moorings in other ports. Crew and optional equipment: Sailor or hostess 100 € / day 700 € / week + food. Provisioning Cancellation insurance available. Request a quote. Cleaning 200 € (only for weekly rentals). On weekly rentals, Loading and Unloading: The weeks are organized from Saturday to Saturday. The time is Saturday at 16:00. In the case of customers landing in Ibiza before that time and if we have the boat clean then we will try to do everything possible to embark before 16:00. The departure time is the following Saturday before 09:00, but the night before the boat should return to the agreed starting point.
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Prísne: Pri zrušení rezervácie do 31 dní pred nástupom na pobyt je možné vrátiť 60% sumy poplatku za jachtu. viac
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