Lagoon 46 , 2021 built with four double en suite cabins and two single outside cabins with a smaller bathroom for crews . Special plus saloon can turn in to a double bed . In total Catamaran may accommodate up to 12 guests. Lagoon 46 is the king of Catamarans of his size, The 46 combines modular front and aft cockpits, a complete cooking area at the back, a practical and safe access to the sea, still giving Design large volumes in the salon to fully express themselves. With its double stair access, Fly bridge is dedicated both to maneuvering and relaxing . Helm station offers sun protection and better visibility. With two Yanmar engines of 57 HP with turbo for quick navigation and greater maneuvering in the harbor. Standard equipment includes: Air-condition , Generator, water maker, 2 electric refrigerators, freezer, sink and frige outside, rib dinghy , mp3 player audio system with Bluetooth and auxiliary port, heater with hot water, electric toilets , 9 hp outboard engine . 680 liters of water and 400 Liters of Diesel
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Super prísne: Pri zrušení rezervácie do 60 dní pred nástupom na pobyt je možné vrátiť 50% sumy poplatku za jachtu. viac
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