The gulet, which is in the rental category, was launched in 1988 and has a length of 22 meters. The rented yacht has a total of 6 modern cabins, each cabin has air conditioning, shower and toilet. There are 6 cabins in our rental boat and boat rental services are offered to our guests from Bodrum port for a total of up to 12 people. If you are looking for an alternative in the Bodrum rental category, our boat will be the right choice for you, which will allow you to have a unique blue cruise experience. The professional team is able to provide you with the best service within the rental period.
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Super prísne: Pri zrušení rezervácie do 60 dní pred nástupom na pobyt je možné vrátiť 50% sumy poplatku za jachtu. viac
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BednBlue žiada všetkých, aby si pred kontaktovaním ostatných členov potvrdili niekoľko vecí.
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