We offer open discovery and diving cruises for divers and non-divers. The boat is of minimal capacity (10-12 people maximum), each cruise is unique and tailor-made according to the composition of the group and their Desires. On board, the daily program is presented, discussed and confirmed with the guests every evening for the next day. We organize our cruise according to everyone needs, without compromise. For divers, we offer up to 3 dives per day, sometimes 4 dives / day with a night dive. Activities for non-divers and divers include snorkelling, kayaking and Stand up Paddling, trekking, exploring pristine beaches and villages, bird and animal watching. All locations are carefully selected, and all activities are guided, including snorkelling. We also offer yoga / breathing / relaxation and snorkelling activities on request, with highly qualified and experienced teachers.
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Prísne: Pri zrušení rezervácie do 31 dní pred nástupom na pobyt je možné vrátiť 60% sumy poplatku za jachtu. viac
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BednBlue žiada všetkých, aby si pred kontaktovaním ostatných členov potvrdili niekoľko vecí.
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