The Explorer 40 is a remarkable day boat that offers exceptional seakeeping abilities and thrilling rides, along with a spacious deck and comfortable lounging areas. The vessel's design core is centered around providing extra space, which is achieved through a hidden but roomy cabin under the center console. With a range of 250+ NM and speeds over 80 knots, this day boat is perfect for those who love to enjoy the sea from a unique perspective. The seating arrangements are crafted with high-quality upholstery and stitching patterns, and the entertainment system comes standard with JL speakers, a fridge, and an espresso machine. The Technohull 40 measures 12.1 meters in length and can accommodate up to 10 daytrip passengers or 2 night passengers. Its base port is in Mykonos. ****** Charter price refers to 4 passengers. --> every extra passenger is 130,00€/per person. ******
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Super prísne: Pri zrušení rezervácie do 60 dní pred nástupom na pobyt je možné vrátiť 50% sumy poplatku za jachtu. viac
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