A house by the shore... This catamaran has exceptional driving characteristics. Due to its width, the trunks and the propellers are widely spaced which enables simple manoeuvring with the micro commander. This yacht stays calm even in case of rough sea. A driving speed of 23 knots, as well as low consumption, combined with low speed are additional strong points of this yacht. ATTENTION: we installed a hydraulic gangway in season 2009! 4 double cabins, each with a bathroom, a roomy lounge as well as a comfortable cockpit and a very large external area for sunbathing and relaxing provide for a heavenly holiday feeling. The spacious lounge has also a roomy kitchen with an oven. A second refrigerator for drinks in the lounge, which can store bottles vertically, will add up to the comfort.
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Super prísne: Pri zrušení rezervácie do 60 dní pred nástupom na pobyt je možné vrátiť 50% sumy poplatku za jachtu. viac
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