The cost of the skipper must be paid directly to the skipper at the base. The new Swift Trawler 48 advances the BENETEAU Range of practical and seaworthy passagemakers. The Andreani design focuses on easy living and circulation that builds on the wealth of Beneteau Trawler DNA and customer feedback. The Swift Trawler 48 is 48’4” long overall with a beam of 14’9” and is now positioned as the largest Swift Trawler in the Range only surpassed by the Grand Trawler as the flagship of the BENETEAU trawler range. This full range of models from 35’ to 62’ are designed and built to explore new horizons. Their seaworthiness, incredible living spaces and comfort have generated a following of 1300+ new builds and hundreds of additional owners in a community of long distance boaters worldwide. The new Swift Trawler 48 has the size, space and capability to continue the journey of seasoned cruisers and aspiring cruisers alike.
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Super prísne: Pri zrušení rezervácie do 60 dní pred nástupom na pobyt je možné vrátiť 50% sumy poplatku za jachtu. viac
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