The cost of the skipper must be paid directly to the skipper at the base. RENOWNED DESIGN The Lagoon 40 embodies the spirit and innovative design of Lagoon Catamarans. Sought after and sailed across the globe, Lagoon’s catamarans have evolved into a world-renowned tribute to the 7 seas. At the forefront of this evolution, sails the Lagoon 40. Spacious, comfortable designs with uncompromised construction methods make her stand in a realm of her own. Just from her looks, the Lagoon 40 signed a new visual identity bringing life into this model. While staying faithful to Lagoon’s DNA, this new generation of catamarans are recognized by a personal style that has emerged. An individually streamlined and accomplished design complimented by her large portholes and panoramic views gives you a catamaran meant for you.
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